Authors/Presenters Instructions

MDM 2022 Video Preparation Guidelines

Congratulations on your accepted submission at IEEE MDM 2022!

IEEE MDM 2022 has been decided to be carried out in online mode with synchronous, live presentations through the VGATE platform ( The conference will provide convenient time zones to all participants in the best possible manner. What is expected from you to deliver is a video presentation to be used as a backup in cases of network issues.

The video duration should be:

Track Duration in minutes
Research 15
Research Short 10
Research Poster 5
IAS 15
Demo 4
PhD 8
Seminar 120

The video should be submitted through the submission link on CMT.

Video Submission:  
(upload as “supplementary material” next to your accepted paper)
Video Submission Deadline: May 20, 2022 AoE
Video Format: MP4 (up to 350MB)

Below you can find additional information regarding the video.

1.  Video Presentation
  • MDM 2022 aims at live presentations. It is important that participants interact in the best possible way. However, since accidents can happen, a presentation video will have to be provided to the organizers in cases of severe network disruptions that will constitute a live presentation problematic.
  • The video will also become part of a new online MDM library (namely YouTube). At the same time this will facilitate a more effective video streaming during the conference.
  • Name your video as v#ID.mp4 where #ID is the id of your paper in the CMT
  • It is important for the presentation to show the face of the speaker. Avoid dry presentations that only show slides with voice over.
1.  MDM 2022 Instructions for Video Generation
  • To generate the video, you can follow the following steps:
    • Download and install the latest Zoom:
    • Start the app and apply the following checkbox under Settings -> Video: “See myself as the active speaker while speaking”
    • Open your presentation slides in fullscreen mode. (preferably your screen resolution should not exceed 1920 × 1080 to avoid generating a very large video file in any case retain a ratio 16:9).
    • On the zoom toolbar: Enable your camera/mic.
    • On the zoom toolbar click “Record” (Computer or Cloud, based on your preference).
    • Start presenting for the number of minutes mentioned above for the kind of your presentation.
    • On the zoom toolbar click “Stop Record”
    • Copy/Download the generated MP4 video, rename it and upload it to CMT as described above. In case you cannot locate your recording, please open Zoom -> Preferences -> Recording -> Manage on web (or see local recording).
    • Please try to avoid using other screen capturing / video recording tools for uniformity of the output.
    • You can find more information on local recording here:


  • For any questions or concerns please contact the Online Platform Chair (Constantinos Costa,